A kép, mely bejárhatta volna a híradókat... de mégsem tette!
A német rendőrök sisakjukat levéve (mintegy kicsit civilként is mutatva magukat és jelezve, hogy ők is a rendszer áldozatai) együtt vonultak az Occupy mozgalom tüntetőivel és biztosították számukra az utat Frankfurt pénzügyi központjáig.
bikbukkfa 2012. 07. 05. 19:00 | #4
Ennyi a németek tuntetni is tudnak kuturaltam bar nem is 47 ezerbol elnek....
lorem_ipsum 2012. 07. 05. 16:15 | #3
Ezt a ferdítést :D Valaki hazudik...
UPDATE 3. Dear friends. Thank you again for your solidarity. I just have to say about the police: they weren't supporting demonstration. Really. They took their helmets off just because it was too hot weather. I don't want to destroy your hopes, I myself would really love if police would became supporters of protests (demonstrants even had pretty cool transparents "Dear police, honestly, when was your last pay raise?" .
UPDATE 3. Dear friends. Thank you again for your solidarity. I just have to say about the police: they weren't supporting demonstration. Really. They took their helmets off just because it was too hot weather. I don't want to destroy your hopes, I myself would really love if police would became supporters of protests (demonstrants even had pretty cool transparents "Dear police, honestly, when was your last pay raise?" .