a10625026 2012. 03. 20. 23:57 | #9
Lehet, hogy az izuletei nem birtak volna a terhelest?
7sleeper 2012. 03. 20. 19:33 | #7
:-D Baseketball
Coop: Hey uh, l-listen partner, I uh... I talked to the people at the Dream Come True Foundation and they wanna make your last wish... yu... your... th-th- well they wanna make your dream come true. [Joey looks up sadly] As long as it doesn't involve like a miracle cure... or something like that... Wuh hell the guys in Death Row only get a meal, right? [Remer and Jenna look uncomfortable] Uh, so, so, what's your dream?
Joey: Well... I've always dreamed of big-game hunting. How about killing an endangered species? Like a bald eagle? Or a giant panda?
Jenna: Weh Joey, I don't think that's in the true spirit of the Foundation. [smiles]
Joey: Well then, how about poisoning the reservoir? [Coop and Jenna look at each other disgusted by this boy's suggestions] I know! How about throwing flesh-eating fish into a public swimming pool?
Remer: I don't think you're quite gettin' the point, dude. [Joey shifts in bed trying to think of something else]
Jenna: Come on, Joey. Search your heart: what's the one thing that you want more than anything else in the world?
Joey: ...Chelsea Clinton?
Coop: ...That's a pretty tall order, dude.
Remer: You'd have a better shot at Bill. [Joey shifts again]
Coop: Do you have any... backup dreams?
(bocs az adott részt sehol nem találom)
Coop: Hey uh, l-listen partner, I uh... I talked to the people at the Dream Come True Foundation and they wanna make your last wish... yu... your... th-th- well they wanna make your dream come true. [Joey looks up sadly] As long as it doesn't involve like a miracle cure... or something like that... Wuh hell the guys in Death Row only get a meal, right? [Remer and Jenna look uncomfortable] Uh, so, so, what's your dream?
Joey: Well... I've always dreamed of big-game hunting. How about killing an endangered species? Like a bald eagle? Or a giant panda?
Jenna: Weh Joey, I don't think that's in the true spirit of the Foundation. [smiles]
Joey: Well then, how about poisoning the reservoir? [Coop and Jenna look at each other disgusted by this boy's suggestions] I know! How about throwing flesh-eating fish into a public swimming pool?
Remer: I don't think you're quite gettin' the point, dude. [Joey shifts in bed trying to think of something else]
Jenna: Come on, Joey. Search your heart: what's the one thing that you want more than anything else in the world?
Joey: ...Chelsea Clinton?
Coop: ...That's a pretty tall order, dude.
Remer: You'd have a better shot at Bill. [Joey shifts again]
Coop: Do you have any... backup dreams?
(bocs az adott részt sehol nem találom)
.::JunKieEQ::. 2012. 03. 20. 12:46 | #1
Nagy cucc... má' az ókori görögök jáccottak ilyet a kriplikkel.... igaz, ők nem használtak kötelet.... ;)
Viccet félretéve.... a tolókocsinak igen nagy hasznát vehette a csajszi ugrás közben.... csak azt nem értettem mé' nem hajtotta zuhanás közben... :DDDDD
Gyökerek... úgy b@szták le a hídról mint egy zsák krumplit..... :DDDD
Viccet félretéve.... a tolókocsinak igen nagy hasznát vehette a csajszi ugrás közben.... csak azt nem értettem mé' nem hajtotta zuhanás közben... :DDDDD
Gyökerek... úgy b@szták le a hídról mint egy zsák krumplit..... :DDDD