Honda unveils 'Segway-style' unicycle that travels in any direction you want

It may look a little precarious and uncomfortable to ride, but Honda believe their new 'personal mobility' device could one day be zipping up and down our streets.

The vehicle looks like a very modern unicycle and to ride it you simply lean your weight in the direction you want to go, whether that's forward, backwards or even sideways. It maintains its own balance travelling up to 3.7MPH.

The U3-X, which was given a test-run by reporters in Japan today, was designed to be small, safe and unobtrusive enough to mingle with pedestrians or use indoors, according to Honda Motors.

Enlarge   Honda President Takanobu Ito

Look no hands! Honda President Takanobu Ito displays the prototype model of a personal mobility device called the 'U3-X' in Tokyo

The single wheel on the U3-X is made up of many tiny motor-controlled wheels, packed inside the bigger wheel, allowing the device to swerve in any direction.

Unfortunately Honda President Takanobu Ito said the machine was still 'a proposal,' and the company has no sales plans, pricing or firm ideas on where or how it will be used.

The U3-X weighs just under 22 pounds, runs on a full charge for an hour, and has a lithium-ion battery. It is best suited to those over 5ft.

Although Honda said the machine is meant for the elderly, it's unclear whether they would be coordinated enough to control the device.


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Former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizum

The U3-X can be easily carried (left). Like the Segway (pictured with former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, right)  the Segway the U3-X  moves when you shift your weight

Honda makes the Asimo walking child-shaped robot and the U3-X uses some of the same technology.

Last year, Honda also unveiled a gadget that can support a wearer's bodyweight, made of mechanical frames attached to a pair of shoes.

Japanese rival Toyota Motors has shown machines that help people get around, including the Winglet, similar to the Segway, a scooter-like device that people ride standing up.

Japan is one of the most rapidly aging societies in the world, and concerns are growing about helping the elderly get around.

'Honda engineers are always thinking about people's dreams and wishes about mobility. We will continue to work hard to be a leader in that area,' Mr Ito said.

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