<-{st.one}-> | 2008. 02. 15. 00:37 | #14
háwazzzz!! eszembe nem jutott volnam hogy megszámoljam a bigyókat azon az ágas cuccon... thx a helpet!
Purple 2008. 01. 13. 13:11 | #12
az 563-as kártyát megfordítod, katt a 3-as számjegy körül! van a hátulján egy pötty. tedd oda azt a fémet, és a cerkával húzz 2 vonalat! vágd le ollóval! tedd be a falon a kártyaolvasóba! ott kapsz egy ragasztót! azzal össze tod ragasztani az elvágott kábeleket!
és akkor úgy vágd el őket, hogy mind a 3 lámpa égjen! ott lenn az angol szövegben asszem írja, hogy mennyinek kell lenni az összegüknek!
és akkor úgy vágd el őket, hogy mind a 3 lámpa égjen! ott lenn az angol szövegben asszem írja, hogy mennyinek kell lenni az összegüknek!
414lufi 2008. 01. 13. 12:56 | #9
Ahol a zöld doboz van az asztal lábában felül bal oldalon van a csavarhúzó,fent a furi virág egyik szára egy ásóra hasonlít. Eljutunk most az íróasztalhoz a legalsó fiókban van egy doboz ahol megfelelö sorrendben kel nyomogatni a gombokat. 9,4,6,5,10 és kinyilik. benne van az ollo. ha kivettétek ugyan ebben a fiókban az oldalára kttintva elökerül egy papír.rajta a szám.... amit be kell írni az zöld dobozba ott van a cerka. a csavar nyúzoval le kel szedni a panelt. ott van egy pár szines drót. Én a kék,világoskék és a sárgát vágtam el mire az elsö nánpa világít és és itt elakadta.
Purple 2008. 01. 12. 22:00 | #6
háhh végigvittem :D igaz segítséggel! aki tud angolul annak ittvan:
*Get the fragment thing from the tree-like sculpture
*The left top of the gray table (where the sculpture is placed) is a screwdriver get that
*Click to the note on the bottom shelf, note down blue=3Kp
*Go to the wooden desk open the top drawer note down orange=1Kp
*Open the large bottom drawer click to the box something like this will appear
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 R
where R represents the red button. Press the keys 9-4-6-10-5 in proper order then the red button will turn to blue click that and get the scissors inside the box
*Click to the drawer again it will come out and you will see a note writing 563 on it get that
*Go to the metal table open the green box with code 563 take the pencil
*Investigate the 563-paper click the right hand side of it you now see the back side. Then take the fragment object and click the dot on the back side of the paper. Later take the pencil and click the dot again it will draw 2 lines. Finally take the scissors and cut from these lines. You have a bar code.
*Insert the barcode to the machine next to the metal table get the insulating tape.
*Use the screwdriver on the metal plate on the wall it will come out.
*Click on the metal plate lying on the ground a note will appear note red=3.25Kp
*In the tree-like thing there are
- 8 red balls meaning 8*3.25Kp=26Kp
- 6 orange balls meaning 6*1Kp=6Kp
- 9 blue balls meaning 9*3Kp=27Kp
*Now click the thing that appeared after you took out the metal plate use the scissors on blue-cyan-yellow wires to light the orange bulb then repair the cut wires using the insulating tape. After that cut the orange wire to light the blue bulb and then without repairing any wires cut the cyan wire get the white tape.
*Use the white tape on the door
*Use the fragment on the door and you're out.
*Get the fragment thing from the tree-like sculpture
*The left top of the gray table (where the sculpture is placed) is a screwdriver get that
*Click to the note on the bottom shelf, note down blue=3Kp
*Go to the wooden desk open the top drawer note down orange=1Kp
*Open the large bottom drawer click to the box something like this will appear
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 R
where R represents the red button. Press the keys 9-4-6-10-5 in proper order then the red button will turn to blue click that and get the scissors inside the box
*Click to the drawer again it will come out and you will see a note writing 563 on it get that
*Go to the metal table open the green box with code 563 take the pencil
*Investigate the 563-paper click the right hand side of it you now see the back side. Then take the fragment object and click the dot on the back side of the paper. Later take the pencil and click the dot again it will draw 2 lines. Finally take the scissors and cut from these lines. You have a bar code.
*Insert the barcode to the machine next to the metal table get the insulating tape.
*Use the screwdriver on the metal plate on the wall it will come out.
*Click on the metal plate lying on the ground a note will appear note red=3.25Kp
*In the tree-like thing there are
- 8 red balls meaning 8*3.25Kp=26Kp
- 6 orange balls meaning 6*1Kp=6Kp
- 9 blue balls meaning 9*3Kp=27Kp
*Now click the thing that appeared after you took out the metal plate use the scissors on blue-cyan-yellow wires to light the orange bulb then repair the cut wires using the insulating tape. After that cut the orange wire to light the blue bulb and then without repairing any wires cut the cyan wire get the white tape.
*Use the white tape on the door
*Use the fragment on the door and you're out.